Gender and citizenship in academic career progression: an intersectional, meso-scale analysis in German higher education institutions


  • Kyoko Shinozaki University of Duisburg-Essen


Gender, citizenship, intersectionality, higher education, mobility/ migration


In tune with the fundamental shift in Germany’s skill-b(i)ased immigration policy since 2005, higher education institutions (HEIs) are increasingly becoming ‘magnets’ for a skilled migrant workforce. While ‘internationalisation’ is often understood as something to be celebrated and (further) accomplished, some observers speak of clear signs of discriminatory experiences among racialised and migrant academics. This is a new aspect, as social

inequalities have by and large been considered in migration studies to be the sole terrain of labour mobility into less-skilled sectors of the economy. Meanwhile, abundant literature on gender and higher education shows that women academics have poorer access to career progression than men, demonstrating genderbased academic career inequalities. However, the insights generated in these two strands of scholarship have seldom been in

conversation with one another. This paper takes stock of the lack of an intersectional perspective, focusing on citizenship and gender within HEIs as hiring meso-level organisations that are becoming increasingly transnationalised. It explores the intersectionality of citizenship and gender in accessing academic career advancement by examining three key career stages, that is, doctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and professors, in two case-study HEIs.

This article originally appeared in: 

VOL. 43, NO. 8, 1325–1346

Reprinted with permission.

Author Biography

Kyoko Shinozaki, University of Duisburg-Essen

Acting Professor of Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society
Institute of East Asian Studies and Institute of Sociology


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Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten: Ethclasses revisited: Klasse/Soziale Ungleichheit, Migration und Rassismen